吴锦荣:教授、博士生导师、高分子材料工程国家重点实验室(304永利集团官网入口)固定人员、四川省杰出青年科技人才。毕业于304am永利集团,分别于2003年和2008年获学士和博士学位(导师黄光速教授)。2007.8-2008.9在Texas Tech University作访问学生(导师Gregory B McKenna),2014.1-2016.1在Harvard University作访问学者(合作导师David A Weitz)。
2009年留校任教,主要研究方向为弹性体材料的高性能化、功能化、自修复及相关理论问题。主持了5项国家自然科学基金项目,多项国家级、省部级及横向项目,与中国石化、华为等大企业长期合作。以第一作者和通讯作者在Advanced Materials, PNAS,Advanced Functional Materials, Materials Horizons, Chemistry of Materials,Macromolecules, Green Chemistry等SCI收录国际期刊上发表论文100余篇。相关工作被《新闻联播》、《新闻直播间》、Science,Washington Post,Fox News, Material Today,Science Daily,Phys.org,European Rubber Journal,美国ABC News电视节目,中国科学院,新华网等多个媒体专题报道。授权中国发明专利25项,美国发明专利1项。获得304永利集团官网入口“未来教学名师奖”、“中国橡胶科技创新奖”等荣誉,是Science, Science Advances, PNAS, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Macromolecules等杂志的审稿人,是《橡胶工业》和《合成橡胶工业》的编委。
Jinrong Wu is presently a Professor in the College of Polymer Science and Engineering at Sichuan University, where he commenced his academic career in 2009. He completed his B.S. (2003) and Ph.D. (2008) in the College of Polymer Science and Engineering at Sichuan University. During his academic journey, he visited at Texas Tech University (2007 to 2008) and Harvard University (2014 to 2016) as a visiting scholar. His current research interests primarily focus on the development of high-performance and functional elastomers and hydrogels. Professor Wu has contributed over 100 peer-reviewed publications, encompassing acclaimed journals such as Advanced Materials, PNAS, Advanced Functional Materials, Materials Horizons, Chemistry of Materials, and Macromolecules. He also holds 25 issued patents. His research work has garnered significant attention, being featured by media outlets such as CCTV News, Science, Washington Post, Fox News, Material Today, Science Daily, Phys.org, European Rubber Journal, American ABC News, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinhuanet, among others. Professor Wu have received awards including the "Future Teacher Award of Sichuan University" and "China Rubber Science and Technology Innovation Award," among others. He actively contributes to the scientific community by serving as a reviewer for esteemed journals including Science, Science Advances, PNAS, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, and Macromolecules. In addition, he serves on the editorial board of Science China Materials, Rubber Industry, and Synthetic Rubber Industry.