钟淦基,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,2011年毕业于304永利集团官网入口,获工学博士学位,现为304am永利集团教授、博士生导师。一直在高分子材料改性与加工、高分子材料结构与表征、环境友好高分子材料加工方面开展应用基础研究及技术开发工作,以第一或通讯作者在Macromolecules、ACS Macro Letters、Biomacromolecules、Polymer等发表SCI论文90篇,SCI他引3800余次,授权发明专利8件。主持了5项国家自然科学基金(包括优秀青年基金1项,面上项目3项和青年基金1项),四川省创新创业项目,四川省杰出青年基金等基础研究项目,与山东京博、汕头东风、新疆蓝山屯河、荷兰Corbion、美国ExxonMobil等企业开展技术合作。获四川省科技进步二等奖(排名第一),四川省杰青,四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选等学术荣誉。
2008/11–2010/11,美国凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University),高分子科学与工程系,联合培养博士研究生
2014/10 –至今高分子材料工程国家重点实验室(304永利集团官网入口),固定人员
2013/07 – 2017/08304永利集团官网入口,304am永利集团,副教授
2011/07 - 2013/6304永利集团官网入口,304am永利集团,讲师
1. Ren, J.-Y.; Ouyang, Q.-F.; Ma, G.-Q.; Li, Y.; Lei, J.; Huang, H.-D.; Jia, L.-C.; Lin, H.;Zhong, G.-J.*;Li, Z.-M.*, Enhanced Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) through Annealing Oriented Crystallites under High Pressure.Macromolecules2022,55(6), 2014-2027.
2. Zeng, Y.; Xu, Y.-T.; Zhang, J.; Xu, L.; Ji, X.; Lin, H.;Zhong, G.-J.*;Li, Z.-M.*, Coupling Effect of Mechanical and Thermal Rejuvenation for Polystyrene: Toward High Performance of Stiffness, Ductility, and Transparency.Macromolecules2021,54(18), 8875-8885.
3. Zeng, Y.; Yang, Q.-C.; Xu, Y.-T.; Ma, G.-Q.; Huang, H.-D.; Lei, J.;Zhong, G.-J.*;Li, Z.-M.*, Durably Ductile, Transparent Polystyrene Based on Extensional Stress-Induced Rejuvenation Stabilized by Styrene–Butadiene Block Copolymer Nanofibrils.ACS Macro Letters2021,10, 71-77.
4. Li, L.; Liu; R.-H., Yang, B.; Zhou, Z.-H.; Xu, L.; Huang, H.-D.;Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M.*.Interconnected microdomain structure of crosslinked cellulose nanocomposite revealed by micro-Raman imaging and its influence on water permeability of film.Biomacromolecules2019,20(7), 2754-72762.
5. Gao, X.-R.; Li, Y.; Huang, H.-D.;Xu, J.-Z.; Xu, L.; Ji, X.;Zhong, G.-J.*;andLi, Z.-M.*.Extensional stress-induced orientation and crystallization can regulate the balance of toughness and stiffness of polylactide films: interplay of oriented amorphous chains and crystallites.Macromolecules2019,52(14), 5278-5288.
6. Li, Y.; Soulestin, T.; Ladmiral, V.; Ameduri, B.; Lannuzel, T.; Domingues Dos Santos, F.; Li, Z.-M.;Zhong, G.-J.*; Zhu, L.*.Stretching-induced relaxor ferroelectric behavior in a poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) random terpolymer.Macromolecules2017,50(19), 7646-7656.
7. Li, Y.; Tang, S.-D.; Pan, M.-W.; Zhu, L.*;Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M.*. Polymorphic extended-chain and folded-chain crystals in poly(vinylidene fluoride) achieved by combination of high pressure and ion-dipole interaction.Macromolecules2015,48(23), 8565-8573.
8. Xu, H.; Xie, L.; Jiang, X.; Hakkarainen, M.; Chen, J.-B.;Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M.*.Structural basis for unique hierarchical cylindrites induced by ultrahigh shear gradient in single natural fiber reinforced poly(lactic acid) green composites.Biomacromolecules2014,15(5), 1676-1686.
9. Xu, H.; Xie, L.; Chen, J.-B.; Jiang, X.; Hsiao, B.-S.;Zhong, G.-J.*; Fu, Q.; Li, Z.-M.*.Strong and tough micro/nanostructured poly(lactic acid) by mimicking the multifunctional hierarchy of shell.Mater Horizons2014,1(5), 546-552.
10. Xie, L.; Xu, H.; Niu, B.; Ji, X.*; Chen, J.; Li, Z.-M.*; Hsiao, B.-S.;Zhong, G.-J.*. Unprecedented access to strong and ductile poly(lactic acid) by introducing in situ nanofibrillar poly(butylene succinate) for green packaging.Biomacromolecules2014,15(11), 4054-4064.
11. Tang, H., Chen, J.-B., Wang, Y.; Xu, J.-Z., Hsiao, B.-S.;Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M.*Shear flow and carbon nanotubes synergistically induced nonisothermal crystallization of poly(lactic acid) and its application in injection molding.Biomacromolecules2012,13(11), 3858-3867.
12.Zhong, G.-J.; Li, L.; Mendes, E.; Byelov, D.; Fu, Q.; Li, Z.-M*. Suppression of skin-core structure in injection-molded polymer parts by in situ incorporation of a microfibrillar network.Macromolecules2006,39(19), 6771-6775.
1.钟淦基;杨彪;李忠明;雷军.一种抗紫外高阻水PBAT薄膜及其制备方法:中国, 201711258974.X.
2. 李忠明;张靓青;钟淦基.一种再生纤维素纳米颗粒及其制备方法:中国, CN201510020621.0.
3. 雷军;张正驰;李忠明;钟淦基.陈晨.一种以无规聚丙烯作为弹性体增韧等规聚丙烯iPP制品的方法:中国, CN201310193831.0.
4. 李忠明;黄妍斐;雷军;徐玲;钟淦基.人工关节用辐照交联聚乙烯共混物材料及其制备方法:中国, CN201310247665.8.
5. 李忠明;刘春燕;钟淦基.一种形态密度可控的纤维素泡沫材料制备方法及其产品:中国, CN201210336479.7.
6. 李忠明;陈妍慧;雷军;钟淦基;陈晨.一种增韧增强聚丙烯制品的制备方法:中国, CN201210395335.9.