罗祥林教授,博士生导师,毕业于俄罗斯莫斯科精细化工学院获博士学位,于2000.01.~2003.02 在以色列巴尔-伊兰大学做博士后研究。2003年3月回国,作为引进人才被304永利集团官网入口特批为教授。2004年年正式评为教授。2006年获得四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家。
先后承担和参加过国家和省部级项目17项。其中承担国家自然科学基金7项、国际合作项目二项。作为主研人员参加过国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家经委重大攻关等项目。申请发明专利10项,已授7项。已发表论文90余篇,包括Biomaterials 、Journal of Controlled Release 等SCI收录和EI论文70多篇。指导的博、硕士(包括已毕业的)50多人。
1. Zhengzhong, Wu; Shuai Li, Yuanyuan Cai, Fan chen, Yuanwei Chen and Xianglin Luo *,Synergistic action of doxorubicin and 7-Ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin zwitterionic polymeric prodrug enhancing antitumor effect of corresponding conventional drugs Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerface,.DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.110741
2. Hu Lin; Quan Wang; Rui Zhong; Zhen Li; Weifeng Zhao; Yuanwei Chen; Meng Tian; Xianglin Luo* Biomimetic phosphorylcholine strategy to improve the hemocompatibility of pH-responsive micelles containing tertiary amine groups Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 184 (2019) 110545
3. Zhang Kui, Zhou Liangqin, Fan Chen, Yuanwei Chen, Xianglin Luo* Injectable gel self-assembled by paclitaxel itself for in situ inhibition of tumor growth Journal of Controlled Release 315 (2019) 197–205
4. Zhengzhong, Wu; Ziying, Gan; Bin,Chen; Fan,Chen; Jun,Cao; Xianglin,Luo.,# pH/redox dual-responsive amphiphilic zwitterionic polymers with precisely controlled structure for anti-cancer drug carrier Biomater. Sci., 2019,7, 3190-3203
5. Yuancheng Liu, Fan Chen, Kui Zhang, Quan Wang, Yuanwei Chen, Xianglin Luo* pH-responsive reversibly cross-linked micelles by phenol-yne click via curcumin as a drug delivery system in cancer chemotherapy J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019,7, 3884-3893
6. Fan Chen, Yi Li, Ye Fu, Yu Hou, Yuanwei Chen*,Xianglin Luo* The synthesis and co-micellization of PCL-P(HEMA/HEMA-LA) and PCL-P(HEMA/HEMA-FA) as shell cross-linked drug carriers with target/redox properties Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition 2019
7. Quan, Wang; Dongqing, Lei; Fan,Chen; Yuanwei, Chen; Xianglin,Luo. # Tracing Difference: In vitro and in vivo anti-tumor property comparison of pH sensitive biomimicking phosphorylcholine micelles with its insensitive micelles ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 5, 5, 2258-2270
8. Longshuai Zhang, Yuancheng Liu, Kui Zhang , Yuanwei Chen*,, Xianglin Luo*, Redox-responsive comparison of diselenide micelles with disulfide micelles colloid and polymer science 2019, 297(2), 225-238
9. Fan Chen, Yuanyuan Cai, Lei Huang, Yuanwei Chen*, Xianglin Luo *Synthesis of a SN38 prodrug grafted to amphiphilic phosphorylcholine polymers and their prodrug miceller properties New J. Chem., 2019,43, 481-491