陈红,特聘副研究员,工学博士。2012年本科毕业于304am永利集团和吴玉章荣誉学院 (导师:杨鸣波,高分子学院教授),2013年于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA取得材料科学与工程硕士学位(导师Qibing Pei),2017年于美国阿克伦大学取得化学工程博士学位(导师JieZheng)。毕业后从事生物高分子材料在基因测序领域方面的应用探索,于2017年加入美国ReadCoor公司,先后担任科学家,高级科学家等职位;2020年加入美国10xGenomics公司担任高级科学家。2022年9月正式加入304am永利集团医用高分子材料系李建树教授课题组。
目前共发表了40篇SCI论文,H-index 28,总引用次数3600+。以第一作者/共一作/通讯作者等身份,在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials等高水平期刊发表10篇文章,多篇文章入选杂志封面和年度最热文章。
1)Yuyue Zhang, Hong Chen*, Jianshu Li*,Recent advances on gelatin methacrylate hydrogels with controlled microstructures for tissue engineering,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 221:91-107(2022)
2)H. Chen, F. Yang, Q. Chen, J. Zheng,“A novel design of multi-mechanoresponsive and mechanically strong hydrogels”Advanced Materials, 29: 1606900 (2017)(入选杂志封面,2017年6月AdvancedMaterialsTop 10)
3)H. Chen, Q. Chen, J. Zheng,“Super bulk and interfacial toughness of double network hydrogels”, Advanced Functional Materials, 27: 1703086 (2017)
4)H. Chen, F. Yang, R. Hu, M. Zhang, B. Ren, X. Gong, J. Ma, B. Jiang, Q. Chen, and J. Zheng“A comparative study of mechanical properties of hybrid double-network hydrogels at swelling and as-prepared states”, J. Materials Chemistry B, 4: 5814-5824 (2016)(入选杂志封面)
5)H. Chen, J. Yang, S. Xiao, R. Hu, S. M. Bhaway, B. D. Vogt, M. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Ma, L. Li, and J. Zheng“Salt-responsive polyzwitterionic surface regeneration with switchable fouling/antifouling properties”, Acta Biomaterialia, 40: 62-69 (2016)
6)H. Chen, C. Zhao, M. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Ma, and J. Zheng,“Molecular understanding and structural-based design of polyacrylamides and polyacrylates as antifouling materials”, Langmuir, 32: 3315–3330 (2016)(入选杂志封面)